Location and Directions

GPS Coordinates:

Lattitude: -29.1060683

Longitude: 26.220098


From Johannesburg / Cape Town

  • Take the Kenneth Kaunda Rd (previously Eeufees Rd) turn-off (Shell Ultra City) to the left off of the N1
  • Carry on straight through the circle at Baysvillage Shopping Centre
  • Continue straight with Milner Rd
  • Take a right turn into Sixth St
  • Belmont is 4 Sixth St (on left hand side of the road)

From Airport

  • Take a right out of the airport
  • Proceed until reaching Alexander Rd
  • Take a right turn into Aliwal Rd
  • Take a left turn into Sixth St
  • Belmont is 4 Sixth St (on left hand side of the road)